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Ragini Dwivedi (born 24 May 1990) is an Indian film actress and model, who primarily works in Kannada films.

Dwivedi was born in a Punjabi on 24 May 1990 and brought up in Bangalore, Karnataka. She was the runner up of 2009 Femina Miss South India contest held in Chennai, while she won the Miss Beautiful Hair title at the Femina Miss India contest.

The year 2012 saw her featuring in films alongside leading male actors of Kannada cinema, with Upendra in Aarakshaka and with Shivarajkumar in Shiva. Her other film, Villain also released in the same year. Among her upcoming films, Ragini IPS, a woman-centered police officer role is about to release. Her debut Tamil film, Ariyaan is also scheduled for a 2012 release. Other films such as Bangari and Ommomme is also in the making. She is set to appear in an item-dance song for the Shivarajkumar's next film, Lakshmi. She has also signed the Malayalam film, Face2face which is currently under production.


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